Sunday, October 11, 2009

Twitter Project

Greetings, friends and readers.

I'm starting a project and I think it's going to be fun. I'm looking for volunteers and I expect the time commitment to be very small. I'm thinking 15-30 minutes a week, for maybe 15-20 weeks.

This summer I tweeted the Battle of Gettysburg. I found journals of fifteen Civil War Soldiers, and I followed them in 'real time', tweeting as I wen. I did this for about two and a half months. The end result for those that followed was the opportunity to experience history in 'real time', from original sources.

The Gettysburg project attracted attention from folks in the LBJ Presidential library, the National Archives, and historians from around the US. We ended up with almost a thousand followers.

I spoke with my brother the other day and he mentioned how the first pioneer group (those that came with Brigham Young) was by far the best documented. He said that the people who came over knew they were involved in an historic event,and so they kept good journals.

What I would like to do is recreate this pioneer trek in real time, on the right day. So by next July 24, Brigham Young will 'tweet', "This is the right place,drive on."

Anybody who volunteers will be given a journal of a person or family; they will be responsible for coming up with tweets for that person for each day of the trek. However, we will do this in advance in a Google spreadsheet. This way you can sit down, come up with tweets for a week or two, and then I will take care of it from there. You do NOT need to sign up for or know how to use twitter. As I mentioned, I suspect that it will only take 10-20 hours to do a complete journal, and you can spread it out over the next several months.

If anybody is interested, leave a comment here, and I'll be in touch.


MJ said...

I'm interested. Is there a Journal that is available online for me to take, or how does that exactly work?


Josi said...

I'd like to participate, so long as you agree to answer my stupid questions. I can be slow at times. (If some smarter people sign up, you can put me at the bottom of the list. But I think it sounds like fun)

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

sounds cool. count me as a maybe...

Callie said...

Hey there Marion, I can help!

Corrine said...

This sounds great. I'm a direct descendent of Brigham. First wife, first child! I am hoping to find my 3rd great grandmother's journal and add in her perspective if I can. Brigham had his son-in-law Edmund Ellsworth lead the first handcart company across the plains too. Looks like a fun excuse to dig up some family info!

Kelsi Rose said...

I'm game, but I will need some explaining about the Google Spreadsheet. Let me know what to do.

Unknown said...

Dear Matthew,

My name is Brendon Butler, and I'm writing a feature article about Cache Valley bloggers for the Herald Journal. Would you be willing to be interviewed for the story?

Please call me at 435.713.5738 and we'll schedule a few minutes to talk sometime Friday before 2 p.m., or send me your phone number and I'll call you when you say it's convenient.

Just to clarify, this is for a feature article about bloggers in Cache Valley for next Wednesday's Herald Journal tech-section.

rsgoldfeng said...

Archives, Cheap diablo 3 cd keyand historians from around the US. We ended up withDiablo 3 Gold almost a thousand followers.