Let’s move to Linus. Here we have an interesting dilemma. Linus’s solo goes thus:
(Spoken)“In examining a book such as Peter Rabbit, it is important that
the superficial characteristics of its deceptively simple plot
should not be allowed to blind the reader to the more substantial
fabric of its deeper motivations. In this report I plan to discuss the
sociological implications of family pressures so
great as to drive an otherwise moral rabbit to
perform acts of thievery which he consciously knew were
against the law. I also hope to explore the personality of Mr.
Macgregor in his conflicting roles as farmer and humanitarian.
Peter Rabbit is established from the start as a benevolent hero
and it is only...”
The last line is delivered with pure excitement. Linus can’t wait to delve into the deep intricacies of this story. The problem? Linus is not being challenged. He should be looking at much harder work. The end result will be that despite his current enthusiasm he will soon be very bored with school. To Linus, this is all too easy. He will come to think that school is something that you can just ‘coast through’. You don’t need to pay attention because you already know this stuff. Four years later, Linus will wake up and realize that he is suddenly behind his classmates. He will have no work ethic, since he’s used to just hanging out. Linus is a genius, but that ‘problem’ will quickly be solved by years of inactivity and lack of challenge. The culprit of course is once again the large class size. The teacher probably tires to challenge Linus where she can, but she can hardly be expected to hand out individualized assignments. In two or three years, Linus will no longer be asking for harder work, he will be on par with the rest of the class. “No child allowed to excell,” is the motto for young Linus.
Probable grade - A
Hey Buckley, you're a day late!
It's coming... It's coming... :)
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