Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is up, over at the super trio. The audio is a bit better, I think. I'm still trying to tweak things, but it's been fun learning how to do this.

I had a bit of a panic last week, because my intention has been to try to keep ahead of my reading. I wanted to start a second book, and write it while I podcasted the first one. But the second book wasn't gelling in my brain.

However, the weather was nice a few days last week (we've either had 70 degree weather, or snow), and I walked home one day. While walking, a great idea for how to tie together all of the things I want came to me. So, I've almost got chapter one worked out in my head, and hopefully will be able to have the second book finished by the time the first chapter has been podcasted. There are 13 chapters in book one, so I've got three months.

Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Crystal Liechty said...

Woot woot! for good weather. And I like this walking thing you speak of. Maybe I'll try it 'cause I'm totally plot-blocked right now.